A Proud History of Community Service
Le Roy Ambulance Service came from Humble beginnings, and was founded by community members who recognized a critical lack of emergency medical response in our area. Initially founded in 1970 as Le Roy Volunteer Ambulance Service, we began with one Cadillac Ambulance that was housed in a barn on North Ave. In those days, when a call came in, volunteers had to respond from home to get the ambulance before heading to the scene of the emergency. In our first several years, the community rallied behind us to help purchase necessary equipment and build our ambulance base at 1 Tountas Ave, where we are still based today.
This volunteer only model served us well for many years, but eventually as call volume rose and volunteerism dwindled in the 1990s, we began implementing career staffing. The transition from volunteer to career was slow, and we spent many years still relying heavily on volunteers to supplement our career staffing. Today, our entire frontline staff is made up of career staffing, but we do still maintain a small roster of dedicated volunteers who assist on critical calls or with special events. To better reflect our staffing model, we officially changed our name from Le Roy Volunteer Ambulance to Le Roy Ambulance Service. We continue to operate as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and our board of directors is entirely comprised of volunteer community members who believe strongly in our mission.
We have a proud history of being there for the Le Roy community in times of need, and in return the community has always proven that they value our services by stepping up to help us in our own times of need. We strive to operate on as small a budget as possible and remain fiscally responsible, which means that we have always relied heavily on a strong relationship and support from the community. Whether through monetary contributions, fundraisers, donation of goods/services, votes of support, and even tax funding, the resounding support from the community has always been exceptional and greatly appreciated.
Below, please enjoy an assortment of photos from our storied history. We look forward to serving the community for many more years and continuing to build on the legacy that was established by our founding members.