Training and Educational Opportunities

We are proud to offer a variety of training opportunities to members of the public, as well as to our fellow healthcare professionals. Below, you will find a detailed breakdown of our current course catalog and pricing. Please check our upcoming events page to see what classes are being offered in the near future, or contact us directly to schedule a class for your business, group, etc.

We are continuously working to expand our educational opportunities, so be sure to check back from time to time for new offerings!

CPR/AED Training

  • The Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) CPR/AED Course is an instructor-led class that provides members of the public with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and respond to life threatening emergencies until a higher level of care arrives. This course is 3 hours long, and comprised of both classroom and practical skills modules.

  • $45 per student with a minimum class size of 8 students.

Emergency Medical Technician

  • We offer periodic New York State Emergency Medical Technician Classes. This is our most in depth educational offering, and prepares students for a career in EMS. When you complete this course, you will posses the skills and knowledge to begin working or volunteering on an ambulance. Please note that completing this course does NOT automatically result in employment or membership with LeRoy Ambulance Service.

  • Pricing will be announced when courses are published, but historically, tuition has been approximately $750. Tuition must be paid up front, but may be reimbursed by NYS if you successfully complete the course and are a member of an EMS agency. Please contact us for the most up to date information.

BLS For the healthcare provider

  • The Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) Basic Life Support (BLS) Course is an instructor-led class that provides healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and manage life-threatening emergencies. This course is 4 hours long, and comprised of both classroom and practical skills modules.

  • $60 per student with a minimum class size of 6 students.

stop the bleed training

  • LeRoy Ambulance is a certified training center for Stop The Bleed, which is an initiative by the Department Of Defense and The American College of Surgeons to teach life saving hemorrhage control skills to members of the public

  • Stop the Bleed is taught as a free add on to all of our CPR classes, and free stop the bleed courses are offered from time to time.

    If you are interested in a stand-alone stop the bleed course for your group or company, there may be a small associated cost to cover our incurred payroll expense. Please Contact us for a quote.